In all of the work I have done on behalf of everybody’s freedom and prosperity, only briefly did I ask for contributions, but have received none. Not only have I never received contributions, I have donated to veteran causes even at times I was making below the poverty line.
I first launched this site back in 2003, and while not soliciting one dime from anybody, I was spending my own personal funds to promote the truth about the anthrax vaccine. I did so because I recognized that if the government can suppress the truth about that vaccine, then the program would go on unabated, the government would continue to administer the vaccine with impunity, and more service members would end up being needlessly injured. Was I right? I’ll let you decide. See: Pentagon concealed 20,000 hospitalizations related to anthrax vaccine I have devoted my life to exposing the truth because I care about the troops.
Prosperity preachers ask for contributions to sell people a false Gospel. Political candidates and politicians solicit contributions when all those candidates and politicians plan to do is undermine our freedom and the economy. Therefore, I don’t believe I am asking too much to ask for your support. But I don’t ask for contributions. I just ask that you support this site by making purchases through the Store.
Your support will enable me to keep this website up and running. The more support I receive, the more I can promote the truth about dangerous vaccines and support health freedom for military service members. If this site generates any significant amount of funds, I will use it to purchase billboards and other advertising.
I am fighting for not just every military service member past, present, and future, but humanity itself. If you want me to keep up the fight, then I ask you to support this site by purchasing items from the Store.
Lou Michels, Jr. ’85 | Warning Shots: The Military’s Anthrax Vaccination Program & Its Consequences — No Comments
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